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Dissertation Information for Kalyani Ankem

- Kalyani Ankem

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- University of Alabama (USA) (2000)

- Charles B. Osburn

- Annabel Kuykendall Stephens
- Marcella D. Genz
- George Edwin Marsh II
- Philip M. Turner

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Adoption of Internet resource-based value-added processes by faculty in LIS education

Abstract: Significant changes are taking place in Library and Information Science (LIS) education. With the proliferation of digital information available over networks, libraries are losing their former place as the locus of the information environment and are becoming one of many information systems. During times, such as these, of rapid change in the information environment and intense competition in the university setting, LIS faculty play a critical role in an LIS program's progress. Therefore, the present study examines individual faculty innovative behavior by applying a model of adoption developed by Marcus (1985) which purports that material resources, experiential resources, value attributed to the innovation, and communication with adopters influence adoption of an innovation. The particular innovation examined here is a complex, digital information-related content innovation. It is termed collectively as Internet resource-based value-added processes and is the following set of processes that add value to Internet resources: (1) selection of Internet resources, (2) organization of Internet resources, (3) interfacing Internet resources, and (4) adaptation to users and use of Internet resources. This complex innovation was substantiated by intersecting an information systems model (Taylor, 1986) with current activity related to adding value to Internet resources. Two hundred and fifty-six LIS faculty were surveyed. T-tests, logit regression analysis, ANOVA, and multiple linear regression analysis were conducted to understand the influences on adopters versus non-adopters, on early adopters versus late adopters, and on the extent of adoption. Results indicate that if LIS faculty have the material resources to adopt a content innovation, then the value they attach to the innovation becomes the most influential variable that can decide in favor of adoption. This implies that during a period of drastic change if LIS faculty are both to adopt a digital information-related content innovation and to be early in adopting, they must first have material resources available. In addition, they must be convinced of the potential value of the content innovation to themselves as individuals and to their environment--LIS education. To facilitate change, administrators must create a setting where faculty adopters can communicate the value of the content innovation to other faculty members.

MPACT Scores for Kalyani Ankem

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:13:40

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