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Dissertation Information for Krisellen Maloney

- Krisellen Maloney

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- University of Arizona (USA) (1998)

- Martin Fricke

- Valerie Frances Reyna
- Charlie D. Hurt III

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Successful behaviors in information systems development teams

Abstract: This dissertation research examines the impact of leadership, cohesion, and information sharing, and the application of group support systems on information design systems (ISD) project quality and project team satisfaction. Research has identified that after 40 years of developing information systems, there are still widespread difficulties in delivering systems on time and on budget. The research objective of this study is to examine the group level processes to understand how ISD team behavior can impact quality issues. A group support system was introduced to act as a sensemaking treatment to increase team performance. The following research questions were identified: (1) What is the impact of cohesion on project quality? (2) What is the impact of leadership on project quality? (3) What is the impact of information sharing on project quality? (4) What is the impact of cohesion on team satisfaction? (5) What is the impact of leadership on team satisfaction? (6) What is the impact of information sharing on team satisfaction? (7) Is there a relationship between group support systems use and project quality? (8) Can group support systems enable sensemaking activities?

A longitudinal experiment was conducted with subjects who were enrolled in four sections of an upper-division Management Information Systems course in Systems Analysis and Design in consecutive semesters. Lectures and class-activities were identical in all four sections except that group support systems technology (GSS) was used by the second-semester classes, the treatment group. Student teams in all sections completed a semester-long ISD project.

MPACT Scores for Krisellen Maloney

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:13:47

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