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Dissertation Information for William B. Edgar Jr.

- William B. Edgar Jr.
- (Alias) William Edgar

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- University of Alabama (USA) (2000)

- Annabel Kuykendall Stephens

- Marion Paris
- Joan L. Atkinson
- James Francis Cashman
- Charles B. Osburn
- J. Gordon Coleman

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Corporate library resource selection and corporate core competencies: Exploring the connections

Abstract: Many scholars and professionals have noted in recent years that the United States is experiencing a transformation to an economy based upon knowledge. However, researchers have only begun to explore how the essence of such an economy, the creation of wealth by organizations through their use of information, works empirically. This dissertation is such exploratory empirical research. It uses concepts from library and information science and strategy to build a theoretical model describing the relationships between corporate libraries' selection activities and their parent firms' intellectual strengths.

The specific results of the dissertation are nine testable statements of a theoretical model. These statements reveal that the breadth and depth of the parent corporations' intellectual strengths are supported by corporate library selection activity that is intense, costly, properly centralized, formalized, properly specific, properly distributed, open to user input, time consuming, and highly automated.

MPACT Scores for William B. Edgar Jr.

A = 0
C = 2
A+C = 2
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:13:50

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