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Dissertation Information for Irene Lathrop Travis

- Irene Lathrop Travis

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- University of California, Berkeley (USA) (1974)

- William S. Cooper

- Theodora Long Hodges
- Patrick Wilson

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Design equations: vehicles for research into factors affecting bibliographic reference retrieval system performance

Abstract: Design equations are mathematical models which analyze an effectiveness measure as a function of system parameters. A new design equation based on a model by William S. Cooper is developed here with three variant forms, including one with a more liberal stopping rule. It is claimed that these equations present a higher level of summarization than does Cooper's and are therefore more easily comprehendible. Through these equations a class of user weighted indexing parameters has been identified. It is claimed that these parameters, which include user weighted average indexing frequency and user weighted average indexing depth, and not the collection indexing statistics, depth and frequency, are direct components of system performance. The implications of this finding for bibliographic reference retrieval systems research is explored. Finally, the uses and limitations of design equations as research vehicles are examined.

MPACT Scores for Irene Lathrop Travis

A = 0
C = 4
A+C = 4
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-05-29 13:25:42

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