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University of North Texas (USA)

Dissertations by Year:
0 1990 2000 2010

Disciplines Represented

DisciplineIncomplete - Not_InspectedIncomplete - InspectedIncomplete - AmbiguousComplete - Except IndecipherablesFully Complete
Accounting (3)3 (100.0%)0000
Business (2)2 (100.0%)0000
Communication (1)01 (100.0%)000
Computer Information Systems (1)01 (100.0%)000
Curricula and Teaching (1)01 (100.0%)000
Education (6)4 (66.7%)2 (33.3%)000
Information Science (14)3 (21.4%)00011 (78.6%)
Library and Information Science (183)8 (4.4%)1 (0.5%)11 (6.0%)22 (12.0%)141 (77.0%)
Photography (1)01 (100.0%)000
Psychology (1)1 (100.0%)0000
[No Discipline Recorded] (3)3 (100.0%)0000
11 Disciplines (216 dissertations)24 (11.1%)7 (3.2%)11 (5.1%)22 (10.2%)152 (70.4%)