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Dissertation Information for Anita Hajnalka Komlodi

- Anita Hajnalka Komlodi

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- University of Maryland (USA) (2002)

- Dagobert Soergel

- Gary Marchionini
- Marilyn Domas White
- Robert Burnell Allen
- Catherine Plaisant
- Ben Abraham Shneiderman

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Search history for user support in information-seeking interfaces

Abstract: Recording search histories, presenting them to the searcher, and building additional interface tools on them offer many opportunities for supporting user tasks in information seeking and use. This study investigated the use of search history information in legal information seeking. Qualitative methods were used to explore how attorneys and law librarians used their memory and external memory aids while searching for information and in transferring to information use. Based on the findings, interface design recommendations were made for information systems.

Results of the study from the limited legal user group presented evidence of the usefulness of search histories and history-based interface tools. Both user manifestations and researcher observations revealed that searchers need historical information in information seeking. Search histories were found to be useful in many user tasks: memory support, search system use, information seeking, information use, task management, task integration, and collaboration. Task integration and collaboration are extensions of traditional information-seeking and use models. Search histories can support users in integrating information across various user tasks and in collaborating with others.

These findings encouraged the design of user interface tools building on search history information: direct search history displays, history-enabled scratchpad facilities, and organized results collection tools were proposed to support users in their information seeking. Interface designs were developed based on the results of the user needs assessment and they were evaluated through participatory design sessions.

The findings are summarized in a search history framework. The framework consists of the following facets: scope of history, context of history, search history data, search history and result management, search history use, and design features. The various facets set dimensions along which search histories and history-based user interface tools can be defined. This framework can guide the study of search histories in other task domains and the design of interfaces for information systems.

MPACT Scores for Anita Hajnalka Komlodi

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:18:17

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