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Dissertation Information for Miranda Pao

- Miranda Pao
- (Alias) Miranda Hau-Yung Lee Pao
- (Alias) Miranda L. Pao

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Case Western Reserve University (USA) (1972)

- William Goffman

- Conrad H. Rawski
- Thomas Gleason Morris
- Louis Rakita

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: A general method to establish quality filtering systems for biomedical literatures

Abstract: A filtering system was developed by making use of bibliographic citations in articles published by subject experts. Their consensus represents a quality set of articles and texts. This filtering method is a partial solution to the problem of the proliferation of literature in terms of both quality and quantity.

The method was tested on the literature of the drug therapy of cardiac arrhythmias. The result was an information kit or the compilation of a sourcebook on the subject, containing full test of five review articles, and twenty core articles. References to three commonly used textbooks and a list of journals most likely to publish on the subject were also included.

A comparison of these references with bibliographic citations of recent texts on the same subject demonstrates that the proposed method of indirect assessment can be used to compile sourcebooks to act as entries to the literature. They are useful for clinical clerks who are third year medical students serving in hospital wards as supplementary reference materials.

MPACT Scores for Miranda Pao

A = 6
C = 23
A+C = 29
T = 6
G = 1
W = 6
TD = 6
TA = 0
calculated 2008-04-09 14:29:32

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