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Dissertation Information for Dale Musser

- Dale Musser

- Ph.D.

- Educational Software

- The Ohio State University (USA) (1992)

- Keith A. Hall

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Inspected

Title: A multimedia database management system for use by educators and students in grades K through 12

Abstract: "The dissertation describes a multimedia database management system (MMDBMS) that was developed for educators and students in grades K through 12 to store, organize, and retrieve multimedia objects. The MMDBMS operates on a Novell network containing DOS client workstations to provide shared access to multimedia objects located in a multimedia database stored on a fileserver. Four uses for a multimedia database system in a K-12 education environment are summarized; an exploration and research tool, a presentation tool, a development tool, a resource for educational software.

The MMDBMS supports access to a variety of types of multimedia objects including digital video, images, LinkWay objects, multimedia applications, sounds, text, and videodisc segments. A videodisc segment is a portion of audio and video located on a videodisc. Since analog audio and video cannot be transferred over a digital network and cannot be stored in a database, a mechanism called Automatic Folder Creator was developed to digitize audio and video located on videodiscs. A multimedia database serves as a cache for videodisc segments.

A data model for database objects, an architecture for the MMDBMS, and an application programming interface (API) for developing database system applications is provided. An application developed using the MMDBMS API called the Multimedia Archive Explorer (MAX) is described."

MPACT Scores for Dale Musser

A = 1
C = 4
A+C = 5
T = 1
G = 1
W = 1
TD = 1
TA = 0
calculated 2010-09-09 16:43:14

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