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Dissertation Information for Doug Moesel

- Doug Moesel
- (Alias) Douglas Dean Moesel

- Ph.D.

- Management

- Texas A&M University (USA) (1996)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: An integrated agency theory study of the division manager contract in the diversified corporation

Abstract: "This study examined the division manager contract in diversified firms. A ""complementarity approach"" was used to combine three agency theory streams, two at a time. These included positivist agency, principal-agent agency, and transaction cost economics agency. One environmental moderator was identified from each stream including interdivisional interdependence, environmental dynamism, and obstacles to the external labor market, respectively. Nineteen joint moderation hypotheses were developed which related division manager contractual elements to future relative divisional performance expectations. Each joint moderation hypothesis involved examination of the simultaneous impact of two agency theory moderators-each one advanced by a different agency theory stream. A final hypothesis contrasted the integrative agency approach with more traditional non-integrative approaches to agency theory.

The hypotheses were tested using survey data collected from 85 divisions of 59 multidivisional corporations during 1993-94. Firms were randomly drawn from the population of corporations with $25 million in sales, some R\&D, and at least one business segment with primary or secondary Standardized Industrial Classification code in the range of 0001--3999. Moderated multiple regression was used to test the three-way interaction coefficients. Six of 19 coefficients were significant. In posthoc evaluation of nonsignificant joint moderation effects, singular moderation effects were found in 12 of 13 cases. Agency factors moderated the effectiveness of 18 of 19 division manager contractual elements examined in such areas as: compensation mix (four of five); management selection, training, and promotion policies (all seven); relative performance evaluation referent groups (all three); and the weighting of performance criteria in short-term and long-term bonuses (all four).

It was concluded that the principal-agent stream can be usefully combined with either the positivist or the transaction cost economics agency streams in future research. Another conclusion was that new ""contradiction approaches"" to agency theory integration, initially outlined in the manuscript, offer the most promising approaches to future agency theory integration and should outperform the ""complementarity approach"" that was used. Some other theories were also discussed which appear capable of providing competitive predictions to agency theory streams using the same moderators. Future research should combine two agency streams, integrated using a contradiction approach, with alternative theories."

MPACT Scores for Doug Moesel

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:19:36

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