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Dissertation Information for Peter Hastings Bloch

- Peter Hastings Bloch

- Ph.D.

- Marketing

- University of Texas, Austin (USA) (1981)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected


Abstract: "Product involvement as an explanatory or moderating variable with respect to consumer behavior has recently become a topic of significant interest to marketers. However, the usefulness of the construct in consumer research is yet to be fully realized due to a lack of agreement and rigor in conceptualizing product involvement.

To integrate past involvement research and to add direction to future endeavors, this dissertation presented a comprehensive model for the analysis of the involvement construct. A key point in this model consisted of the differentiation of two forms of product involvement which have until now been confused in the literature. The first form, situational involvement reflects the temporary concern or interest in a product which occurs during the purchase process and is a result of perceptions of risk associated with the purchase outcome.

The second form of involvement is not tied to the purchase process or perceived risk. This enduring involvement represents a long-term interest in a product which is based on the centrality of the product to important needs or the self-concept. The proposed model elaborated the two involvement forms and their relationship to one another. Behavioral correlates of the two involvement types were discussed including both prepurchase and postpurchase activities. In addition, influences upon situational and enduring involvement were described.

Following the presentation of the involvement model, an empirical study focusing on enduring involvement was discussed. The study examined four predictor variable sets as potential sources of enduring involvement. Enduring involvement was hypothesized to have a positive relationship with: (1)the extent to which product usage is perceived to result in certain rewards, (2)the extent to which product involvement itself is perceived to result in certain rewards, (3)the positiveness of the social imagery associated with the involved consumer role and (4)the degree of congruity between the image of the involved consumer and the self-image. In testing these four hypotheses, data was collected via a mail survey and two product categories - automobiles and clothing fashions - were studied in parallel.

Based on bivariate correlations and multiple regression analyses of these hypotheses, it was found that for automobiles, product usage rewards, involvement rewards and self-image congruity were effective predictors of involvement as measured by a multi-item behavioral index. In the clothing, product usage rewards, social imagery and self-image congruity were found to have significant relationships with involvement scores that also were obtained using an index methodology."

MPACT Scores for Peter Hastings Bloch

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:19:37

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