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Dissertation Information for Monica Mary Beglau

- Monica Mary Beglau

- Ph.D.

- Education

- University of Wyoming (USA) (1990)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: A prereferral model for special education

Abstract: "The purpose of this study was to determine the components regarded by educators in Laramie County School District Number One as being characteristic of an effective pre-referral model for special education that would be ready for implementation in the District.

A survey instrument was developed which included the most critical component items needed to obtain data regarding the preference of educators in the District. Consensus was obtained from a panel of professionals on the 35 component items included on the survey.

The survey was mailed to 40 administrators, all 60 special education resource room teachers and 60 randomly selected regular classroom teachers in the District. Null hypotheses were formulated to test the rating distributions for the three groups surveyed regarding each of the 35 component items and to test the statistical value of the proportion of items selected by each of the three groups surveyed. The first null hypothesis was rejected while the second failed to be rejected for each of the three groups surveyed. The total return of surveys was 71 percent when the return rate for all three groups was combined.

The pre-referral model developed for implementation based on the preferences of educators in the District as being characteristic of an effective pre-referral model included 28 of the component items listed on the survey. Some of the significant results of the study were: (1) A survey using a Likert scale to determine the components regarded by educators in the District as being characteristic of an effective pre-referral process was created and administered. (2) A pre-referral model for the District based on the selected components was created for implementation. (3) The components of the pre-referral model developed for implementation represented concepts determined to be critical for inclusion as rated by a professional panel."

MPACT Scores for Monica Mary Beglau

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:19:42

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