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Dissertation Information for Samantha K. Hastings

- Samantha K. Hastings
- (Alias) Samantha Hastings

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Florida State University (USA) (1994)

- Elisabeth A. Logan

- F. Craig Johnson
- F. William Summers
- Myron Henry Gluck

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: An exploratory study of intellectual access to digitized art images

Abstract: The study describes the nature of intellectual access to digitized art images using qualitative methodologies. Images of Caribbean paintings were digitized and the process of querying the Caribbean art images observed. Queries of art historians are analyzed and compared to retrieval parameters and image characteristics. Four major categories, developed during the coding of data, are: Queries, Manipulations, Recommendations, and Applications. Concepts are identified that relate the complexity of the query, the access points, and the types of computer manipulations needed to retrieve relevant answer sets.

Findings from the investigation include: (1) Queries are identified that include levels of complexity; (2) Queries change in levels of complexity when digital images are used; (3) Some queries cannot be answered by use of a surrogate image; and (4) There are identifiable characteristics of the images that relate in complexity to queries of style.

Based on identified relationships, a proposed model of intellectual access to digitized art images is depicted and described.

MPACT Scores for Samantha K. Hastings

A = 23
C = 17
A+C = 40
T = 23
G = 1
W = 23
TD = 23
TA = 0
calculated 2017-04-10 21:42:25

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