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Dissertation Information for Jody Ray Rogers

- Jody Ray Rogers

- Ph.D.

- [No Discipline Recorded]

- University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (USA) (1993)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Predicting CHAMPUS ambulatory health care expenditures within the military health services system

Abstract: "The Department of Defense has experienced rapid and largely uncontrolled increases in health care costs during the past several years. Much of this increase is due to rapidly increasing Civilian Health and Medical Program for the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) ambulatory care costs.

This study involved the estimation of a model to predict CHAMPUS ambulatory health care costs which could provide information to be used by DOD health planners to predict and thus, control governmental expenditures for CHAMPUS ambulatory care. This model could also be used to make comparisons between the cost of the same care to CHAMPUS for those individuals who used the Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) for care. Logistic and linear regression using socio-demographic and clinic variables were used to estimate these models and to detect and correct for selection bias, and the smearing estimator was used to make the predictions.

One years worth of ambulatory care data from one catchment area, over 560,000 visits for about 60,000 eligible beneficiaries, were analyzed. The results of this study revealed that the predicted cost of ambulatory care provided through CHAMPUS was less expensive than the actual cost of care provided by the MTF. The predicted cost of care to CHAMPUS was about $19 million while the actual cost of care to the MTF was over \$47 million. Confounding factors such as readiness costs and Graduate Medical Education, while not factored into this study, could explain some of this difference.

This research also found that military eligible beneficiaries have high rates of utilization, especially those who crossover or use both sites for care. Beneficiaries who obtained ambulatory care services averaged about 9.5 visits with crossover users averaging over 17 visits per person.

Policy implications include the possibility of having more beneficiaries use CHAMPUS for ambulatory care services rather than less as is currently the belief. In addition, the use of socio-demographic characteristics to estimate choice and expenditure models is not advised due to the large error term associated with the models. The high utilization rates must also be addressed if overall military health care costs are to be reduced."

MPACT Scores for Jody Ray Rogers

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:26:01

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