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Dissertation Information for Joan Catherine Bartlett

- Joan Catherine Bartlett

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- University of Toronto (Canada) (2004)

- Elaine G. Toms

- Barbara Marie Wildemuth
- Joan Cherry
- Chris Hogue
- Jamie Cuticchia

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Connecting bioinformatics analysis to scientific practice: An integrated information behaviour and task analysis approach

Abstract: The advent of bioinformatics has significantly impacted biomedical research, with the need for scientists to become proficient in bioinformatics analysis. However, research has not considered how to make these complex resources accessible to laboratory scientists.

One goal of this research was to understand, within a framework of information behaviour and task analysis, the application of bioinformatics analysis to a specific scientific problem, that of conducting a functional analysis of a gene. The other was to examine the relationship between information behaviour and task.

The study followed a qualitative approach, with data collected through semi-structured interviews and web-based surveys. Twenty bioinformatics experts described the bioinformatics analysis process they each followed to conduct a functional analysis of a gene. The individual approaches were merged into a single, consensus protocol, which was validated by both the original participants, and a new cohort of eighteen additional experts.

There were common characteristics in the approaches to bioinformatics analysis. Participants used a series of resources in a step-wise approach. Their information seeking was very focussed and directed, with no browsing or exploration.

The consensus protocol describes a series of fourteen analytical steps, linked in three alternate sequences. Each step provides details of the analysis, including: rationale, input/output data, tools used, and interpretation of the results. The protocol provides a connection between a series of bioinformatics analyses, and the application of the findings to solve a scientific problem. This is a departure from traditional bioinformatics research focussed on the details of one particular type of analysis.

The integration of information behaviour and task analysis approaches provides a powerful means for studying information tasks, with the information behaviour approach providing a rich, broad, high level picture of the information environment, and task analysis providing the direct link to the objective or goal for which information is needed and sought. This novel approach for information science research provides an approach for explicitly studying how information is used to accomplish a goal.

This research contributes to bioinformatics by linking bioinformatics analysis to solving a scientific problem, and to information science by explicitly linking information use to an information task.

MPACT Scores for Joan Catherine Bartlett

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:26:32

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