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Dissertation Information for Donald Albert Wicks

- Donald Albert Wicks
- (Alias) Donald Wicks

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- University of Western Ontario (Canada) (1996)

- Roma Harris

- Gloria Leckie
- Douglas Leighton

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: The information-seeking behavior of pastoral clergy: A study of the interaction of their work worlds and work roles

Abstract: In this thesis the investigator asks whether the information-seeking behaviour of pastoral clergy is governed by the interaction of their work worlds and work roles. It was proposed that the pastor operates in a closed system when world and role are significantly dependent upon each other and in an open system of information-seeking when world and role are less dependent upon each other. The thesis is grounded in the sense-making theory of information seeking developed by Dervin and colleagues (1986), and in a combining of social network theory and role theory (as suggested by Allen and Vliert (1984) and Hirsch and Jolly (1984)). This study employs a survey methodology in two parts: (1) a mailed questionnaire with a large stratified random sample of pastoral clergy from six religious groups (n = 378); and (2) structured interviews with 20 practising clergy and qualitative techniques to analyze the content.

Findings indicate that pastoral clergy tend to use different types of sources in different roles and that certain combinations of pastoral worlds and pastoral roles influence whether the information-seeking behaviour will be open or closed. Formal sources are preferred when preparing to preach and informal when making administrative decisions. The theological world contributes to a closed pattern in all three roles, while the denominational and congregational worlds help produce this effect in only the administrative role. Ministers at either doctrinal extreme are more apt to limit themselves to sources compatible with their own worlds than clergy members who occupy the middle ground theologically.

MPACT Scores for Donald Albert Wicks

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-03-03 20:30:50

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