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Dissertation Information for Trudi Hahn Bellardo

- Trudi Hahn Bellardo

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Drexel University (USA) (1984)

- Belver Griffith

- Carol Fenichel
- Andrea Weiss
- Howard D. White
- Krishnappa Subramanyam
- Jerry Dale Saye

MPACT Status: Fully Complete


Abstract: The purpose of the study was to investigate some personal attributes of online search intermediaries that were believed to affect the quality of their search results. Sixty-one subjects were selected from the online searching courses in six graduate programs in library and information science. The degree of proficiency of the subjects at the end of their DIALOG training was measured by their performance on two questions that they searched in the ERIC ONTAP database. Their creativity level was measured using two self-report inventories, their intelligence level was approximated from their GRE Quantitative and Verbal scores, and their personality traits in regard to masculinity, femininity, and self-esteem were assessed were measured using the Interpersonal Disposition Inventory.

Factor analysis was used to reduce the large number of independent variables to four clusters, called Attributes. Attribute 1 was a dimension reflecting an assertive, self-confident, risk-taking personality type. Attribute 2 was defined in terms of scholastic aptitude and artistic creativity. Attribute 3 reflected a critical and original personality type that prefers to work alone and thinks for himself. Attribute 4 was a dimension reflecting compassion, nurturing, sensitivity and understanding.

The four Attributes were related to the dependent variables in a regression analysis to see which, if any, of the Attributes predicted the ERIC ONTAP scores. The result was the average recall was predicted by Attribute 2 and recall for one of the search topics was predicted by Attribute 3. Recall for the other search topic, all precision scores, and all unit cost scores could not be predicted by any of the Attributes.

The study findings suggest that the differences in performance among individuals with the same level of experience and type of training can be attributed, to a small degree only, to their general verbal and quantitative aptitude, their artistic creativity, and to their inclination toward critical and analytical creative thinking. The findings also raised serious doubts, however, that high intelligence and other attributes cited by writers in the field are necessary for high performance. The validity of the notion that online search intermediary performance can be predicted by or is dependent upon certain cognitive or personality traits has thus become highly suspect.

MPACT Scores for Trudi Hahn Bellardo

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:02:32

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