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Dissertation Information for Kent D. Peterson

- Kent D. Peterson

- Ph.D.

- History of Science

- Johns Hopkins University (USA) (1983)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected


Abstract: "This study describes the pattern of usage for six mechanisms of administrative control in suburban elementary school districts. The use of supervision, input control, behavior control, output control, selection-socialization, and environment control were examined.

The data were collected in interviews with a stratified random sample of 120 suburban elementary principals in the Midwest. In all, 113 principals from 59 elementary districts were interviewed.

Data analysis includes a descriptive examination of the six mechanisms of control and an investigation of the relationships between these controls and both school social status and district size using crosstabulation and correlation.

The research found the use of multiple, zoned controls. First, supervision is used in most of the school districts, but is relatively infrequent permitting the principal considerable discretion. Second, input control, involving constraints over the amount and flow of resources, is used extensively. The use of monetary resources is tightly controlled, while the selection of personnel is not. Third, principals are required to prepare reports, attend meetings, and follow standardized teacher evaluation procedures, all examples of behavior control. Instruction is constrained by curriculum objectives and textbook adoptions. Fourth, output control is employed through the administration of student achievement tests and through the monitoring of a variety of other results. Fifth, selection-socialization is a relatively important means of control, with central office selectively recruiting locals, insiders, and those who have held administrative positions. Finally, these central offices employ environmental control by using the community as a monitor of principal behavior and as a criteria of principal and school effectiveness.

Several conclusions surfaced. First, the study discovered the use of multiple controls, each adding partial constraint. Second, there is a balance of control and autonomy afforded this role. Third, there is a zoning of control, with tighter controls over administrative tasks and somewhat looser controls over instructional tasks. Further research is suggested."

MPACT Scores for Kent D. Peterson

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:27:49

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