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University of Iowa (USA)

Dissertations by Year:
1960 1970

Disciplines Represented

DisciplineIncomplete - Not_InspectedIncomplete - InspectedIncomplete - AmbiguousComplete - Except IndecipherablesFully Complete
American Civilization (2)1 (50.0%)0001 (50.0%)
Computer Science (3)3 (100.0%)0000
Education (11)6 (54.5%)5 (45.5%)000
Educational Psychology (1)01 (100.0%)000
Geography (1)01 (100.0%)000
Journalism and Mass Communication (3)3 (100.0%)0000
Mass Communications (1)1 (100.0%)0000
Political Science (1)1 (100.0%)0000
Psychobiology (1)1 (100.0%)0000
Sociology (1)1 (100.0%)0000
Special Education (1)01 (100.0%)000
[No Discipline Recorded] (3)3 (100.0%)0000
12 Disciplines (29 dissertations)20 (69.0%)8 (27.6%)001 (3.4%)