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Dissertation Information for Claire Marie McAlinden Skerrett

- Claire Marie McAlinden Skerrett

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Drexel University (USA) (1991)

- Tom Childers

- Howard D. White
- Gary Wayne Strong
- Jackie Mancalf
- Susan Shaman
- Alok Chakrabati

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Participation in a formal planning process: Implications for individual attitudes and performance

Abstract: The present research focused on individual effects of formal planning participation in a non-profit setting. It examined some of the most frequently proposed secondary outcomes of formal planning in other settings, specifically those of organizational communication, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job performance. The study was built on a belief that the individual outcomes of participation in formal planning had not yet been fully explored. Prior formal planning research had concentrated on the organization's financial outcomes.

A survey of employees in ten major research libraries, which had participated in the same planning process, at the same time, and on the same topic, constituted the research population. The return rate was good, with 502 usable surveys (79%).

The study was hypothesis-based and data analyses included Pearson's correlations and multiple regressions. Hypotheses regarding correlations among participation, hierarchical level, organizational communication, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job performance were generally supported, although most correlations were small. Job satisfaction and organizational commitment had stronger results than job performance. Satisfaction with communication had the most important relationships with both job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Hypotheses regarding organizational communication variables as moderators of the relationships between the independent and dependent variables were not supported.

Subsequent exploratory multiple regression analyses indicated that organizational communication variables were more effective as predictors of the dependent variables. Salient personal and organizational variables were also added in the exploratory analyses and models were developed for each of the dependent variables, with up to 45% of the variance explained.

Organizational attitudes of job satisfaction and organizational commitment were well predicted by the study's variables for informal participants in the planning process, with up to 75% of the variance explained. Job performance was best predicted for formal participants, with 34% of the variance explained.

Exploration of the potential secondary effects of individual participation in formal planning demonstrated that the quality of life for employees may be improved with participation in planning. Therefore, both the individual and the organization may benefit from the planning process.

MPACT Scores for Claire Marie McAlinden Skerrett

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:02:53

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