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Dissertation Information for James Lyon Dominick

- James Lyon Dominick

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (USA) (2005)

- Paul Solomon

- Gary Marchionini
- Barbara B. Moran
- Steve Harlon Nickles
- Catherine C. Marshall

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: The in-situ study of an electronic textbook in an educational setting

Abstract: The move from paper-based reading systems to digital-reading systems is having an unknown impact in higher education as textbooks are increasingly delivered in digital formats. In order to understand the full range of implication that the transformation from paper to digital could have on reading in support of learning, a model was developed that included cognitive, physical and social aspects of text interaction. This framework was coupled with a research model that linked intrinsic measures from the reading appliance itself, with extrinsic measures such as surveys. This linked methodology was used to examine aspects of college reading in general and of reading from electronic textbooks specifically.

Over the course of four semesters, undergraduate students (N = 133) in four different Health Sciences courses used a commercially available electronic textbook reading system on a laptop PC. The materials provided for their classes were identical digital representations of the paper texts normally assigned for the courses. Results indicated that student textbook reading is heavily assessment driven and dependent on the pedagogy of the class. Student reading was sporadic and averaged between 8 and 20 sessions per semester. Detailed records of reading behaviors by time of day, day of week and week of semester are also provided for each of the courses involved in the study.

Students preferred reading on paper to reading from the electronic reading software on the laptop PC. Despite the presence of software features designed to enhance the utility of the reading experience, students reported low satisfaction with the reading device. They did not take advantage of the availability of academic resources available to them in the electronic textbook even when directly related to their topic of study. Students expressed a clear preference for a physical interaction with paper text. Future implications for the college textbook market and electronic textbooks in general are discussed.

MPACT Scores for James Lyon Dominick

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-10-01 13:43:27

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