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Dissertation Information for Dharm P.S. Bhawuk

- Dharm P.S. Bhawuk

- Ph.D.

- Labor and Industrial Relations

- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (USA) (1995)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: The role of culture theory in cross-cultural training: A comparative evaluation of culture-specific, culture-general, and theory-based assimilators

Abstract: "To examine the role of culture theory in cross-cultural training, a culture theory-based assimilator using the theory of individualism and collectivism was developed and tested. Results show that the theory-based assimilator can be an effective cross-cultural training tool.

The comparative evaluation of three types of cross-cultural training tools, a culture-specific assimilator for Japan, a culture-general assimilator for sensitizing people to cultural differences, the individualism and collectivism assimilator (ICA), and a control group, indicated that the theory-based assimilator is effective.

Compared to the other three groups, ICA was found to have significant effect on the Intercultural Sensitivity Inventory (ICSI). In addition, the ICA was significantly more effective on the category width scale compared to both the culture-specific and the culture-general assimilators. On the attribution making tendencies, ICA was significantly more effective compared to the culture-specific assimilator, whereas on reaction measures it was significantly more effective compared to the control group only. The findings indicate that the ICA may have significant advantages over the other assimilators.

Future research should focus on testing the results of this study on other samples, especially a managerial one. Other ways of using culture theory in cross-cultural training should also be explored."

MPACT Scores for Dharm P.S. Bhawuk

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:31:12

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