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Dissertation Information for Jesus Rosales-Ruiz

- Jesus Rosales-Ruiz
- (Alias) Jesús Rosales-Ruiz

- Ph.D.

- Psychology

- University of Kansas (USA) (1995)

- Donald M. Baer

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Inspected

Title: Verbs and verb phrases as instructional stimuli in the control of stimulus-equivalence effects

Abstract: Instructional control of certain emergent relations definitional of equivalence-class formation was achieved in 26 undergraduate students. The subjects read two pages that explained a paper-and-pencil match-to-sample procedure, and then went on to solve 11 more pages of matching-to-sample problems. Each of the first 10 of these last 11 pages was introduced by an instruction of the form, "Matches means (verb)," e.g., "Matches means EATS," followed by the facts that established two related conditional discriminations in the specific forms, A (verb) 1, B (verb) 2, 1 (verb) X, and 2 (verb) Y. Of 12 subsequent trials on the same page, four tested the original relations and the remaining eight probed for the emergence of equivalence relations. The eleventh (final) page was introduced by the instruction: "This time, no meaning of matches is specified." Five of the 10 pages used equivalence verbs (EQUALS, IS, IS PARALLEL TO, GOES WITH, and MATCHES); another five specified nonequivalence verbs (EATS, OWES, PAYS, LIKES, and TEACHES). For 15 of 25 subjects, these two classes of verbs differentially controlled the emergence of untrained equivalence relations. For the remaining 10 subjects, these relations either emerged uniformly despite verb differences (5 subjects), or were absent despite verb differences (5 subjects). The explanations or types of verbs provided by the subjects in response to the eleventh problem, which requested an explanation of how the subjects had answered the probes, always agreed with each subject's equivalence or nonequivalence responding to the probes. Thus, verbs and verb phrases can function as contextual stimuli controlling the emergence of new, untrained relations definitional of stimulus equivalence.

MPACT Scores for Jesus Rosales-Ruiz

A = 2
C = 0
A+C = 2
T = 2
G = 1
W = 2
TD = 2
TA = 0
calculated 2010-10-02 10:15:25

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