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Dissertation Information for Lee Scott Ehrhart

- Lee Scott Ehrhart

- Ph.D.

- Computer Science

- George Mason University (USA) (1994)

- Andrew P. Sage

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Inspected

Title: Cognitive systems engineering: Human-computer interaction design for decision support

Abstract: "This research outlines a framework for employing cognitive systems engineering principles and practices to enhance the requirements identification and design phases of system development and improve human-computer interaction (HCI) designs for decision support. The framework focuses on the application of cognitive research and technology in developing a more comprehensive understanding, representation, and translation of the decision-maker's cognitive task requirements in human-computer cooperative decision-making. Additional guidance is provided in a series of tables summarizing research from software engineering, decision sciences, cognitive psychology and other related fields. These supports assist the designer in defining a robust set of system requirements and guide design tradeoff decisions.

Following the presentation of the CSE framework, a system design case study in human-computer cooperative decision-making demonstrates the practical implementation of CSE for HCI design. The case study leads the reader through the application of the guidance tables to a ""real world"" design problem. The case study also presents empirical and experimental evaluations of the benefits of the design framework in terms of (1) improving the process of creating information presentation and interaction designs and, consequently, (2) improving the HCI design product to increase the functionality of the delivered system and enhance decision-making performance.

Finally, the prototype for a CSE design practitioner's handbook is presented to suggest a format for making the CSE design framework usable in the information systems engineering community."

MPACT Scores for Lee Scott Ehrhart

A = 0
C = 6
A+C = 6
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-10-02 20:09:11

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