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Dissertation Information for Leigh Ann Payne

- Leigh Ann Payne

- Ph.D.

- Political Science

- Yale University (USA) (1990)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Pragmatic actors: The political attitudes and behavior of Brazilian industrial elites

Abstract: "In this dissertation I examine the political attitudes and behavior of industrial elites in Brazil during four recent periods: the 1964 coup; the military regime (1964-1974); the first phase of the transition to democracy (1974-1984); and the New Republic (1985-1989). I explore when, why, and how industrial elites become involved in the political system and the impact of their actions on political change. I focus on their reactions to economic, political, and social conditions, as well as changes in labor relations, during these periods.

Based on this study, I have developed a new--pragmatic actor--approach to the analysis of Latin American business elites and political change. This approach challenges and refines assumptions about business elites in the existing literature on political change in Latin America (e.g., dependencia, bureaucratic-authoritarianism, and transitions to democracy). It contends that Brazilian industrialists are neither inherently authoritarian nor democratic. Rather, they are usually indifferent to the political system in power, as long as it provides political stability (e.g., regime legitimacy, efficacy, and effectiveness). Moreover, although they possess considerable political resources, they are incapable of single-handedly overthrowing the regime or designing and implementing an alternative political system. Instead, they generally tolerate the existing political situation and attempt to influence it from within. The success of these efforts depends on consensus, collective spirit, and commitment to change within the business community, as well as the extent to which industrialists are independent from the government and share goals with other social sectors.

The dissertation is based on my interviews with 155 industrial elites in Brazil, analysis of business documents, first-hand observation of industrialists' activities, and review of newspaper and magazine accounts of business elites' political activities from 1964 to 1989."

MPACT Scores for Leigh Ann Payne

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-03-12 11:35:19

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