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Dissertation Information for Jon Gant

- Jon Gant

- Ph.D.

- Public Policy and Management

- Carnegie Mellon University (USA) (1999)

- Kathryn Shaw

- David Krackhardt
- Casey Ichniowski

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Getting the job done in high-performance work systems: Exploratory comparison of information processing characteristics of workers in control-oriented and involvement-oriented human resource management environments

Abstract: This dissertation presents evidence of how the ease of information exchange among workers differs across involvement-oriented and control-oriented organizations. The objective of this study is to show involvement-oriented organizations perform better because the ease of information exchange is greater. As discussed in Chapter 1, knowledge creation, which improves organizational performance, is a function of the ease of information exchange. The more that human resource management (HRM) policies enhance information exchange among employees, the greater the likelihood that the organization will be able to create knowledge. The key hypotheses that I test are: the ease of information exchange is more effective for employees in involvement-oriented organizations than workers from control-oriented organizations; and, the ease of information exchange is more efficient for employees in involvement-oriented organizations than workers from control-oriented organizations. I measure the ease of information exchange based on the structural characteristics of actors' social relationships which includes the configuration of these relationships and actors location (centrality) in the network. I apply these measures to data describing the communication relationships among workers from seven steel production lines, of which three are involvement-oriented facilities and four are control-oriented facilities. The results show that production workers from involvement-oriented production facilities develop a network of contacts that is more effective and efficient for acquiring information and for assistance in solving problems. The results for other critical positions as managers and supervisors are mixed.

MPACT Scores for Jon Gant

A = 0
C = 3
A+C = 3
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-04-15 12:56:47

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