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Dissertation Information for Madge Klais

- Madge Klais

- Ph.D.

- History

- University of Wisconsin, Madison (USA) (1993)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: The royal abbey of Fulda and the politics of Carolingian education

Abstract: "Founded in 744 by the Anglo-Saxon missionary and reform-minded bishop, Boniface, the monastery of Fulda quickly attracted royal patronage and established itself as a center for the conversion of pagans, the reform of monastic life, and the preservation of Latin learning. Although Fulda was not singularly responsible for the implementation or success of the Carolingian education reform program, it played a crucial role in setting an example of educational practice for other monasteries and in providing well-educated leaders to disseminate the reform initiated by Charlemagne. The cultural importance of Fulda has long been recognized by historians, but the contribution that the monastery made to the formalization of education for Latin literacy and vocational training for ecclesiastical leadership has received little scholarly attention.

This formalization of educational practice at Fulda reflects not only the reform initiatives of Charlemagne, but also the growing social importance of the liturgical service performed by monasteries. This expanded liturgical service posed a particular challenge to missionary monasteries such as Fulda whose primary educational focus had been outward, on the training of priests for pastoral work and the education of the laity in the basic tenets of the Christian faith. By the early ninth century, Fulda was faced with the need to recruit and train boys to participate in the liturgy within the monastery as it continued to reach outside the convent to serve the religious needs of the people in the surrounding area. How Fulda sought to address these needs and resolve the conflicting monastic goals endorsed by Charlemagne's reform policies as well as the subsequent wave of reform generated by Louis the Pious provides the basis for this case study of the relationship between education and society in the Carolingian world."

MPACT Scores for Madge Klais

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:33:08

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