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Dissertation Information for Jeffrey Younghwan Kim

- Jeffrey Younghwan Kim

- Ph.D.

- Computer Science

- University of California, Irvine (USA) (2000)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Knowledge management in DRAM fabrication

Abstract: "The study aims at helping to improve information systems design for knowledge management in complex, technology-oriented organizations. The study examines the characteristics of work practice in one type of high-precision organization, DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) chip manufacturers. Engineers in these manufacturers face a constant flow of micro-size errors during design and production that demands ongoing decision making to resolve these errors. The design of information systems to support such ""knowledge work"" presents the dual challenges of exploiting information technology while incorporating social knowledge in the form of information repositories and the working knowledge of individuals. Increasing degree of the specialization of knowledge and skills across organizational and team boundaries intensify these challenges.

By viewing technology as an occasion of articulated work, the study demonstrates the practice of engineering trouble management as a kind of articulated engineering work that emerges over time through the efforts of heterogeneous engineering teams in DRAM fabrication. The study finds that boundary-crossing in knowledge work is a challenge for the construction of knowledge management systems. It illustrates how the understanding of context-specific practice of knowledge work helps to identify the constraints of conventional information systems for the support of knowledge work."

MPACT Scores for Jeffrey Younghwan Kim

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:33:28

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