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Dissertation Information for Becca Cragin

- Becca Cragin

- Ph.D.

- Women's Studies

- Emory University (USA) (2002)

- Julie Abraham

- Wendy Simonds
- Cathryn Johnson

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Speaking the Self: Lesbian and Gay Viewers of Television Talk Shows

Abstract: The dissertation considers the response of television viewers to talk show constructions of the political and social meaning of homosexuality. Through in-depth interviews, textual analysis, and cultural criticism, I examine the interplay between two sets of narratives: those that talk shows elicit from their guests, and those that lesbian and gay viewers produce in the course of their own readings. Both sets of narratives involve "speaking the self": asserting a kind of rhetorical gay identity in response to the political pressures of homophobia. I argue both that television talk shows interpret and use gay identity as a form of spectacle, and that they provide one of the few consistent sources of gay representation on television.

MPACT Scores for Becca Cragin

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-02-03 00:43:35

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