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Dissertation Information for Isa D. Williams

- Isa D. Williams

- Ph.D.

- Women's Studies

- Emory University (USA) (1995)

- Elizabeth Fox-Genovese

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Ambiguous

Title: Father-daughter relationship: An investigation of the socioeconomic impact on career choice

Abstract: This research was conducted to investigate socioeconomic (SES) aspects of the father/daughter relationship as it affects a woman's career choice. Psychological and sociological theories are examined in relation to gender typing and the father/daughter relationship, as are empirical findings which discuss the father/daughter relationship in terms of parenting, educational impact, and career choice. The research design employs both quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate the extent to which a woman's nontraditional career choice is influenced by her father, notably the ways in which father/daughter interaction influences a woman's nontraditional choice of a career in areas such as engineering, science, and business.

This study employed research methods to assess the relationship between SES variables (education, occupation, and income) and, (1) fathers' attitudes regarding women's nontraditional work roles, and (2) daughter's career choice. In addition, interviews were conducted with father/daughter pairs in order to enhance the quantitative findings. Analysis regarding attitudes and interview findings revealed that father's education was important in nontraditional outcomes. Analysis of the relationship between SES and career choice revealed that SES variables were significant in terms of college attendance irrespective of career major, with college attendance itself being a nontraditional act conditioned by SES.

MPACT Scores for Isa D. Williams

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-02-02 15:21:39

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