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Dissertation Information for Kathy Pearson

- Kathy Pearson

- Ph.D.

- Industrial Engineering

- Northwestern University (USA) (1994)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: A Bayesian approach to the meta-analysis of military field test data

Abstract: The U.S. Army has conducted a number of operational tests in the last two decades to determine degradation in unit performance of certain combat tasks under the threat of enemy chemical weapons employment. In response to requests from other members of the Army community for performance degradation data, the U.S Army Chemical School has now recognized the need to synthesize the results from these tests into a single range of degradation values to make the results more useful. This research is concerned with the development of a methodology for obtaining a single range of estimates for the expected percent difference in performance of a task in chemical warfare conditions. The methodology incorporates all of the information available on human performance of combat tasks in a chemical environment, including the subjective judgments of military experts.

Specifically, the proposed methodology incorporates principles of meta-analysis and Bayesian statistical techniques to obtain a distribution for the expected percent difference in unit performance of a particular task. First, expert assessments are elicited to determine a prior distribution, representing the "prior knowledge", for the expected percent difference in performance of a particular combat task. Next, the field test results of unit performance of the task are treated as observational data and combined mathematically with the prior distribution to obtain a posterior distribution for the expected percent difference. This posterior distribution represents the synthesis of both subjective and experimental data, and provides the ability to not only calculate point estimates of the expected percent difference in performance, but also calculate ranges and confidence intervals of the expected difference.

MPACT Scores for Kathy Pearson

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-01-31 06:03:24

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