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Dissertation Information for M. Courtney Burken

- M. Courtney Burken

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Emporia State University (USA) (2003)

- Roger Wyatt

- Herbert Achleitner
- Ken Weaver

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: The information transfer process in the NATA-BOD education reform decision: A complexity analysis

Abstract: The information transfer process in the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) Board of Directors (BOD) organization Education Reform (ER) decision was evaluated using complexity analysis with grounded theory methodology for organizational decision making and information transfer. Data were triangulated by participant interviews, BOD meeting minutes and supporting board books, published ER articles, and athletic training listserv postings. The data were collected during 2003 for 1990-1998 to ensure adequate ER background and effect evaluation because the ER decision was initiated in 1994 with Education Task Force formation (ETF).

Sixteen of 18 participants on the BOD a minimum of four years during 1990-1998 were interviewed. Data triangulation resulted in the following conclusions. The BOD ER decision process was influenced by the BOD system and individual BOD members and communication networks. The BOD system and the environment adapted to events occurring through the decision process. Primary categories included contextual/environmental, interpersonal relation/communication network, and interpretation influences.

Contextual/environmental influences included education and political categories. Educational issues included professional image, definition, and a perceived need to standardize education. Politics included state credential, third party reimbursement, and educational issues. BOD organization modifications were influenced by individual BOD member, network interactions, and interpretations which supported organizational culture. The BOD organizational culture was influenced by seat assignments and emergent conventions. Emergent conventions included leadership philosophy, BOD ownership, educational language, and task force purpose. Political issues included BOD and ER politics such as educational philosophy changes and communication politics.

The ER decision was based on BOD influences and organizational culture. BOD ER influences occurred through intra and extra-BOD interactions. Intra-BOD and extra-BOD interactions enhanced collective BOD ER opinions. Extra-BOD influences occurred from four groups integrally related to the ER process who strongly supported accreditation as formal athletic training education. There was a lot of overlap between members in the influence categories. The categories included: PEC/JRC members who evaluated athletic training education programs; former BOD members; NATA leadership and committee members; and ETF members. Participant interactions and influences transferred information resulting in increasing support for and belief in the ER decision related to member influences and organizational culture.

MPACT Scores for M. Courtney Burken

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-07-06 21:56:09

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