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Dissertation Information for Donald B. Cleveland

- Donald B. Cleveland
- (Alias) Donald Cleveland

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Case Western Reserve University (USA) (1973)

- William Goffman

- Conrad H. Rawski
- Thomas Gleason Morris
- Tefko Saracevic

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: A geometrical model for information retrieval

The primary method of storing, information for retrieval is to examine the documents in a file, decide what the documents are about, attach index terms, and code the documents for storage and retrieval. This, of course, is the usual and most obvious method and it works with varying degrees of success.

The question posed here is this: Can we find some quantitative means of structuring an information file for retrieval using other measures of content relatedness in addition to, or in place of, index terms? What about using combinations of these measures?

The experiment reported here utilized the Indirect Method search strategy and involved the retesting of this strategy, using as measures for file structuring: (1) Automatically derived index terms, (2) The authors of the documents, (3) The journals in which the documents appeared, and (4) Document citations.

The results indicate that the best way to structure a file for retrieval is on the basis or the authors ot the documents or a combination of authors and journals

MPACT Scores for Donald B. Cleveland

A = 8
C = 42
A+C = 50
T = 9
G = 2
W = 8
TD = 8.5
TA = 1
calculated 2008-07-25 19:29:36

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