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Dissertation Information for Lisa Philips Valentine

- Lisa Philips Valentine

- Ph.D.

- [No Discipline Recorded]

- University of Texas, Austin (USA) (1990)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: "Work to create the future you want": Contemporary discourse in a Severn Ojibwe community

Abstract: "This research provides an empirically-based, synchronic overview of an Amerindian village in northern Ontario, Canada, currently undergoing rapid social change. Using a discourse-centered approach to ethnography, this study illustrates ways in which a society is indexed through its discourse, and how changes in society affect language use. It is both an ethnography of speaking and an ethnography through speaking. The primary data collected for this research were naturally-occurring discourses, most of which were presented by members of the Native community for the Native community itself.

The topics covered in the dissertation are diverse, ranging from communication technologies, to code switching between Ojibwe, Cree and English, to literacy in both Cree syllabics and standard English, to the intersection of language and music, and to a formal analysis of two narrative genres. These topics were selected as representative of the major linguistic forms found in the community--forms which are inextricably bound to the cultural context and social institutions of the Kingfisher Lake community.

Because of its unique brand of self-determinism, the Severn Ojibwe community of Kingfisher Lake stands as a model for other Native communities, demonstrating that cultural change and the adoption of modern technology need not mean that a people lose either their Native identity or their language. Rather, the people of Kingfisher Lake demonstrate a remarkable ability to integrate new ideas and technology into their Native lifestyles."

MPACT Scores for Lisa Philips Valentine

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-07-01 19:40:55

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