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Dissertation Information for Alysia Roehrig

- Alysia Roehrig

- Ph.D.

- Psychology

- University of Notre Dame (USA) (2003)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: The effects of mentoring on beginning teacher effectiveness and student outcomes

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of an intensive experimental mentoring program and a more traditional beginning teacher mentoring. Of particular interest was whether early primary (K-2) teachers in the experimental program (N = 3) would be more successful in improving their classroom practices (i.e., becoming more like those of their exemplary teacher mentors) than beginning teachers in the comparison group (N = 3), who had more typical teachers as mentors. Changes in level of student engagement and literacy achievement and motivation were also assessed to determine whether and how they might be affected by the changes in mentees' classroom practices. The experimental group mentees had greater opportunities for professional development during their first year of teaching. Their mentors also were better teachers than the comparison group mentors, providing more consistent models of the types of exemplary practices emphasized in the experimental mentoring program. Despite the difference in the quality of the mentoring treatments received by the groups, mentee teachers' attitudes (i.e., resistance versus desire to change) had a greater effect on teacher change than did mentoring treatment. These results are presented as case studies of individual teacher's classroom changes and mentoring experiences, which were developed from qualitative observations of classrooms and mentoring interactions, interviews conducted with mentors and mentees, and student data (i.e., running records of reading, writing samples, and motivation interviews). The quality of mentees' classroom practices also was assessed at both the beginning and end of the school year using the Classroom AIMS Instrument, the development and validation of which also is discussed here. The changes mentees made to their teaching practices (in the areas of classroom atmosphere, instruction/content, and management) from fall to spring were quite variable within treatment groups and even within teachers; practices improved and stayed the same in some areas while they deteriorated in others. Not surprisingly, student engagement in cognitively demanding literacy activities did not systematically differ by treatment group either.

MPACT Scores for Alysia Roehrig

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-07-06 23:18:17

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