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Dissertation Information for Chui-chun Lee

- Chui-chun Lee

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- SUNY, Albany (USA) (2006)

- Anthony M. Creswell

- Sue Faerman
- David F. Andersen

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: The role of trust in information sharing: A study of relationships of the interorganizational network of real property assessors in New York state

Abstract: This study aimed to explore the role of trust in information sharing in a network environment. The context was the interorganizational network of real property assessors in New York State during the implementation of the Annual Reassessment Program (ARP). A mail survey was conducted to collect data about the core working relationships of the assessment community, especially the role of trust in their information sharing activities and in their attitudes toward adopting ARP.

The first objective of this study was to investigate the level of trust in relationships between assessors and their counterparts in other jurisdictions, county directors of real property services, Office of Real Property Services staff (ORPS), school financial managers, and town financial managers. The results indicated that in general assessors' trust of other actors was at a moderate level. Their highest level of trust was for county directors. Analysis by employment status revealed that the trust level of part-time assessors was higher than that of full-time assessors. Overall, the findings suggested that the presence of trust was important to participation in the ARP.

The second objective was to determine whether usefulness of information, frequency of professional and social interactions, and modes of communication would be the antecedents of trust. The results showed that these variables had no impact on trust at the aggregated level. However, the level of trust in relationships between assessors and county directors was consistently influenced by usefulness of information, frequency of interactions, and modes of communication. Additionally, assessors' trust of ORPS was also affected by the usefulness of training and meetings provided by ORPS.

The third objective was to examine whether trust would be a moderator variable for information sharing. The results provided little overall support for this hypothesis. With respect to assessors' attitudes toward ARP implementation, group attitude within and across regions was generally favorable, though the findings suggested that there might be some regional differences in attitudes. The development of trust is complex and depends on a host of contextual elements. The findings exhibited the impact of variability in environmental context on assessment practices, interorganizational trust, and information exchange.

MPACT Scores for Chui-chun Lee

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-07-07 17:24:45

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