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Dissertation Information for Rabii Bannouri

- Rabii Bannouri

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Université de Montréal (Canada) (2005)

- None

- Louise Gagnon-Arguin

MPACT Status: Complete - Except Indecipherables

Title: Developpement d'un modele de gestion des archives gouvernementales pour des pays arabes, a partir d'une approche archivistique nord-americaine

Abstract: Government archives are at present a key factor for sustainable development for every nation. With the requirements of globalisation, Arab countries, in their majority, have to think about their government archives, neglected for a long time, in order to allow their administrations to enrol in the dynamics of mutations witnessed the world over.

Reaching this goal is inevitably linked to implementation of national policies and even national systems for the management of these countries government archives. A review of the literature shows that these countries have, currently quasi-generally poor archives, but at the same time anew dynamic is dawning on some of these countries, in order to put in place a new archive order.

Equally, this literature shows that a new approach of archives management, qualified as "integrated" stands as a new way for countries in need of global solutions to their archives status.

Hence the idea of suggesting to Arab countries, a model of an integrated solution to tackle the problem of their government archives management. The main objective that this research is trying to achieve, necessitates an answer to a fundamental question: How can we shape a model for archives management within a governmental framework, which will have the main characteristics of integrating all the operations related to archives management at the various stages of the life cycle of an archives document and which will be applicable to the governmental context of Arab countries. An answer to a further three questions, was equally necessary: (1) What is the state of the art of archives management within the governmental sector in the Arab countries? (2) What are the components of such a model and what are the supposed links between them? (3) What are the pre-requisites and the conditions for adopting this model within the reality of government administration in Arab countries?

Starting from the current status of archives and their proper characteristics in these countries and according to their needs, this research has yielded a model for the management of government archives in these countries, which correspond, almost completely to the theoretical model presented as a hypothesis of research, at the beginning of this study.

This model claims that it has the top qualities of flexibility and adaptability to all the situations of Arab archives, as well as the respect of the needs for their inherent development in accordance to the ever changing administrative reality that it is trying to address. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

MPACT Scores for Rabii Bannouri

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2009-05-20 14:02:04

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