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Dissertation Information for Dominique Maurel

- Dominique Maurel

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Université de Montréal (Canada) (2006)

- Louise Gagnon-Arguin

- Gilles H. Deschatelets
- Jacques Grimard
- Pierette Bergenson

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Les cadres intermediaires et l'information: Modelisation des comportements informationnels de cadres intermediaires d'une municipalite en transformation

Abstract: The success of organizations lies most often in their capacity to create and use information and knowledge, this capacity being determined among other things by information behaviours. In charge of strategic, tactical and operational decisions, middle managers stand at a crossroad in the knowledge creation process within organizations. Their information behaviours must be supported by information systems. However few studies explore these information behaviours.

This research project aims at understanding how municipal middle managers meet their information needs according to their specific information use environment. It describes and models their information needs and uses in management situations and examines how they are supported by information sources. More specifically, the study examines three research questions: (1) What problem situations do municipal middle managers encounter in their management tasks? (2) What information needs do they express in the context of their problem situations? (3) What information sources support their information behaviours?

This descriptive study is based on a qualitative approach. The respondents are twenty-one middle managers, all reporting to two boroughs in a Quebec municipality that was merged in 2002. Data collection techniques used are in-depth face-to-face interviews with and direct observations of middle managers, and relevant documentation related to problem situations. Critical incident was used both as a technique interview and as a unit of analysis. Data were subjected to content analysis based on grounded theory.

Results show that middle managers' roles are as diversified as those of top managers. However middle managers have a large "counseling" role. Their managerial responsibilities are mainly at a tactical level, but do not exclude operational and strategic level tasks. The problem situations of middle managers are closely linked to information use environment components such as: their managerial roles and responsibilities, and the organizational context characterizing a municipality undergoing major reorganization. Most problem situations encountered by middle managers in this context were new patterns, and related mainly to legal and prescriptive matters or physical resources. Middle managers' information needs show the importance of organizational processes and context in the resolution of problem situations. To answer those needs, they used mainly internal information sources. Verbal information sources were more used than printed ones (documentation).

At a theoretical level, we found that our middle managers' information behaviour model supports and complements the two models our study relies on: the general model of information use (Choo, 1998) and the information use environment model (Taylor, 1986, 1991). Concepts such as "user" and "information use" are also refined from the users perspective. At a practical level, this study contributes to the design of information retrieval systems best suited to satisfy the information needs of municipal middle managers. It also assesses the contribution of records information systems to the management of organizational memory.

MPACT Scores for Dominique Maurel

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2009-05-20 13:52:13

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