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Dissertation Information for Jerome Henry Halpin Jr.

- Jerome Henry Halpin Jr.

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- University of Southern California (USA) (1983)

- Edward Kazlauskas

- Dennis Thomison
- Bruce Bennion

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Citation analysis as the basis for journal collection management by academic libraries

Abstract: This study was conducted to determine if citation analysis data is utilized by academic libraries to help manage their journal collections. For this study citation analysis was defined as a list of journal titles arranged according to the number of citations made to them in the references of papers published in a standard journal or any statistic derived from the counting and analysis of them (e.g., impact factor). The main and branch libraries of the academic library members of the Association of Research Libraries were chosen as the survey population to determine if citation analysis is being used to help manage academic library journal collections. The libraries were surveyed by use of a mailed questionnaire.

Two hypotheses were tested: (1) academic libraries do not utilize citation analysis to help manage their journal collections, and (2) those libraries that do use citation analysis data also use other sources of data as part of the journal management process.

Both hypotheses were supported by the data collected in the survey. Citation analysis was not used by 78.5% of the responding main and branch libraries. Of the libraries that do use citation analysis, all of them (100%) also utilize other data as a part of the journal management process.

A non-random survey of library networks indicated that those networks that have a cooperative journal acquisitions program do not utilize citation analysis to reach journal subscription decisions. The survey also indicated that these networks that provide advice about the journal management process to their members do not recommend the use of citation analysis when making recommendations.

Reasons for using citation analysis generally correspond to the reasons given by citation analysis usage proponents (it identifies core journals, it is based on national figures, etc.). Analysis of the reasons for not using citation analysis indicates that most reasons are related to either subjective issues (don't like scientific methods, citations not a primary way to find information, vested interests push the technique, etc.) or to methods of applying citation analysis to the management process (no time, budget, collection size, etc.).

MPACT Scores for Jerome Henry Halpin Jr.

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2008-07-25 19:28:05

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