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Dissertation Information for Rebecca Leigh Miller Banner

- Rebecca Leigh Miller Banner

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Emporia State University (USA) (2008)

- Herbert Achleitner

- Cathy M. Perley
- John Agada
- Alexander Dimchev

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: The intercultural transfer of professional knowledge in international partnerships: A case study of the American Bulgarian Library Exchange

Abstract: International partnerships between libraries are an oft-used approach to transferring professional knowledge across national borders, with the intent of developing the profession in both nations. Unfortunately, such partnerships are routinely unsuccessful. An assumption exists in the library and information science profession that international partnerships are a good mechanism for developing libraries worldwide, without a full understanding of how they work and how they could be improved. Very little empirical research has been conducted on the nature of such partnerships; the processes of knowledge transfer that go on within them; and the factors that affect the partnerships and ultimately the knowledge transfer. The purpose of this dissertation research was to examine one international partnership for the factors and processes that establish and sustain a communicative environment enabling the successful transfer of professional knowledge.

Given that international partnerships rely on interpersonal communication to transfer knowledge, the diffusion of innovations theory was an appropriate guide to this research. The Katz, Levin and Hamilton (1963) seven-element model provided a detailed framework for the data collection, analysis and interpretation of findings. Using a case study design set in a naturalistic inquiry approach, the experiences of members in a group of international partnerships were explored. The study participants were the members of the American Bulgarian Library Exchange (ABLE), an international partnership project. Data were collected by five methods: individual interviews, focus group interviews, documentation collection, direct observation, and participant journals. These data and accompanying research notes were analyzed with a constant comparative technique supported by the computer assisted qualitative data analysis software N-Vivo7.

The findings showed that multiple factors affected the international partnerships in the ABLE case. Facilitating factors included the participants' commitment and interest; a shared profession; support from multiple social structures; opportunities for face-to-face communication; and a shared language. Inhibiting factors included a lack of time; feeling obligated to participate; difficulties with communication technologies; an unsupportive social structure and significant language differences. While the research presented here has certain limitations based on the case study approach, the findings indicate a rich terrain of future research.

MPACT Scores for Rebecca Leigh Miller Banner

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2009-05-18 16:53:32

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