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Dissertation Information for Lay Hooi Khoo

- Lay Hooi Khoo

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Texas Woman's University (USA) (2008)

- Lynn Kathryn Akin

- Kaye Evitt Bray
- Hyuk-Jin Lee

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: Top-circulated magazines: Visual and narrative representation of both serious leisure content and libraries

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the narrative and visual representation of serious leisure content and libraries in the top-circulated magazines. The qualitative analysis software NVivo7 was used to facilitate a content analysis of one hundred magazine articles in printed and online format. Using a stratified random sample, this study examined 100 articles and 50 images from America's most circulated magazines published on January 2006 through May 2007. The serious leisure theory and research done by Stebbins (2006e) and Hartel (2005) guided this study.

Of Stebbin's serious leisure elements, the effort to gain achievement or success in serious leisure was found to be the most strongly portrayed in magazine content. Career counting was the second strongest serious leisure quality. The third commonly portrayed of serious leisure quality in the magazine content was financial return from expertise, or receiving personal reward from products and publications. The elements that received the least coverage were self-expressing abilities, individual self-expression, and self-image.

The major elements that this study exposed about libraries, serious leisure, and top-circulated magazines were mainly book promotions, marketing, and advertising.

About 58% of the articles with serious leisure content were found to be related to the libraries. The concept-based image analysis was adapted from Shatford's (1986) theoretical approach of analyzing pictures. About 16% of the images actually focused on the libraries, and 8% portrayed librarians in the images. Men were widely represented in the images as individuals who had an enthusiasm for reading, book collecting or promoting their new books. Women were featured as librarians who were passionate in promoting readings to the community, or individuals who enjoyed writing and sharing their favorite serious leisure activities. There are no existing benchmark studies that justify the number of mentions of libraries in serious leisure content in magazines coverage. The focus on serious leisure research through a library information science perspective can assist librarians, information specialists, and educators to develop benchmark standards and improve tailored strategies for serving serious leisure information seekers.

MPACT Scores for Lay Hooi Khoo

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2009-05-20 13:24:01

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