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Dissertation Information for Louiqa Raschid

- Louiqa Raschid

- Ph.D.

- Computer Science

- University of Florida (USA) (1987)

- Stanley Y.W. Su

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: The design and implementation techniques for an integrated knowledge base management system

Abstract: A knowledge base management system (KBMS) represents an innovative technology necessary for supporting applications that require knowledge to reason about large quantities of data. The integration of artificial intelligence and database management technologies is critical to the success of KBMS technology and is the focus of our research. A design methodology for the integration process and several implementation techniques for a knowledge base management system (KBMS) have been studied and the results are presented in this dissertation.

Three important elements for integration are identified in our research. First, an object-oriented knowledge representation model is used to define object types by (a) their structural relationships with other object types, (b) operations that are executed against the occurrences of the object type and (c) rule-based knowledge that captures constraints, rules of inference, expert knowledge, etc., relevant to the object type and its occurrences. Thus, the model integrates facts and rules within the object types of the knowledge base. Next, we use the constructs of a single knowledge manipulation language (KML) to specify both operations and rules for object types and we identify the constructs of this KML. The third element is a mechanism for applying the rule-based knowledge while compiling and executing a KBMS transaction against the knowledge base. A match-modify-execute (MME) cycle uses rules to modify KML operations in a KBMS transaction during compilation. The MME cycle incorporates rules into KBMS transactions during both compilation and execution. The operation of the MME cycle has been verified in a production system environment.

Our approach of using a single KML to specify operations and rules and the MME cycle mechanism that executes these operations and rules against the knowledge base supports the similarity in database and rule processing functions of the KBMS. Consequently, implementation techniques from existing database technology can be tailored for use in the integrated KBMS and we have examined two techniques. The first technique is the interleaved execution of concurrent transactions and we studied its effect on the execution efficiency of KBMS transactions. The second technique is query optimization exploiting decomposition, intermediate result sharing and pipelined execution. An analytical study on the benefits of using these optimization techniques while evaluating a linear recursive query is presented in this dissertation.

MPACT Scores for Louiqa Raschid

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-02-19 12:34:33

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