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Dissertation Information for Anne Dawson Hedeman

- Anne Dawson Hedeman

- Ph.D.

- Art History

- Johns Hopkins University (USA) (1984)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected


Abstract: This study analyzes the changing cycles of illustrations in the Grandes Chroniques de France, the official history of the French kings. The Grandes Chroniques survive in over 120 copies ranging in date from 1274 to the late fifteenth century. The analysis proposes four chronological groups for discussing the picture cycles in this text. The first group includes the earliest manuscripts, those containing the texts written and translated by the monks at Saint-Denis. These include examples produced for royal and non-royal patronage and provide the opportunity to explore the influence of audience on the shaping of a manuscript cycle.

The second group consists exclusively of Charles V's personal copy of the chronicle, the first manuscript to include the account written at court of the lives of John the Good and Charles V. This book is considered in relation to the previous chronicle tradition but also in the contexts of other political commissions and of contemporary historical events.

Grandes Chroniques surviving from the reign of Charles VI form the third group. Certain of these cycles in manuscripts produced early in Charles VI's reign depend specifically on Charles V's book. Others responded, like contemporary literature, to problems posed by Charles VI's madness and by the French civil war. Most were independent of royal models and expressed a popular devotion to the monarchy.

The Grandes Chroniques produced after the reign of Charles VI, when the Grandes Chroniques were no longer official history, form the fourth group. Illustrated versions of these books were of two types: books commissioned for Valois courts outside of Paris that seem to share chivalric and dynastic concerns, and books painted in Paris, which commemorate ceremonial.

Analysis of changing cycles in terms of artist's production, of patronage, of contemporary literature, and of historical events enriches our perception of the political culture of late medieval France. Whether reflecting generalized views of French kingship or more elaborate comments on contemporary historical situations, the illustrations of the Grandes Chroniques de France provide an additional avenue for understanding the impact of vernacular history on the collective memory of its readers.

MPACT Scores for Anne Dawson Hedeman

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2009-07-26 21:05:57

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