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Dissertation Information for Wayne Brekhus

- Wayne Brekhus
- (Alias) Wayne Herbert Brekhus

- Ph.D.

- Sociology

- Rutgers University (USA) (1999)

- Cathy Greenblat

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Inspected

Title: Lifestylers, commuters and integrators: The grammar and micro-ecology of social identity

Abstract: This dissertation develops a general sociological theory of identity from fieldwork conducted within a suburban gay community. Employing ethnographic fieldwork among gay suburbanites-including intensive interviews ranging from one to five hours with 30 gay men and informal conversations with an additional 100 men--this dissertation develops three profiles of "identity management types." These three identity types are (1) lifestylers, (2) commuters, and (3) integrators. Lifestylers treat their "gay identity" as a noun , essentially foregrounding their "gayness" and presenting themselves as 100% gay, 100% of the time. Commuters treat their "gay identity" as a verb , presenting themselves as 100% gay only part (e.g. 20%) of the time and presenting themselves as "not gay" the rest of the time. Integrators treat their "gay identity" as an adjective , essentially presenting themselves as only mildly (e.g. 20%) gay, 100% of the time.

Underlying each of these three identity strategies are different combinations of identity duration (the percentage of time one performs an identity) and identity volume (the degree to which one presents an identity in a heavily concentrated or diluted form). Because each identity management "type" uses different configurations of volume and duration, there are often intense disputes between the types. Lifestylers, for instance, value "identity authenticity," while commuters value "identity mobility" and integrators value "identity moderation." This general conceptual framework, while derived from a case study of gay identity management strategies, has implications for the sociological study of any identity including ethnic, professional, racial, gender, age, subcultural and national identities.

MPACT Scores for Wayne Brekhus

A = 0
C = 1
A+C = 1
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-11-14 15:12:01

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