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Dissertation Information for Vivek Choudhury

- Vivek Choudhury

- Ph.D.

- [No Discipline Recorded]

- University of California, Los Angeles (USA) (1991)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Cooperative and competitive strategies in interorganizational information systems

Abstract: This study addresses the question: What conditions motivate and facilitate the development of cooperative and independent inter-organizational information systems (IOISs)? An independent IOIS is one developed by a firm in conjunction only with the trading partners with whom it is to be linked. In a cooperative IOIS, on the other hand, a firm cooperates with its direct competitors.

The study proposes a typology that includes three cooperative IOISs--electronic markets, standard electronic dyads, and electronic consortia, and two independent IOISs--proprietary electronic dyads and electronic monopolies. It develops propositions relating each form of IOIS to the competitive preconditions under which it is most likely to emerge.

To explore the validity of these propositions, the study examines the evolution of IOISs (linking agents and carriers) in the property and casualty insurance industry. Three of the five IOISs in our typology currently exist in this industry--electronic monopolies, and standard and proprietary electronic dyads.

Our analysis suggests, however, that although the industry meets our hypothesized preconditions for electronic monopolies, and electronic monopolies are the most prevalent form of IOIS in the industry at present, most of the monopolies are unlikely to be sustainable over the long term. The data further suggest that a critical variable not included in our original list of preconditions is the role of the buyer in the value system, and the effect an electronic monopoly can have on his competitive position.

The data does, however, support our propositions with respect to standard and proprietary electronic dyads--in particular, the effect of power imbalance on the tradeoff between the two forms. Finally, the fact that electronic markets and electronic consortia have not been developed in this industry is also consistent with our expectations. The conditions in the industry are not suitable for these forms of IOISs.

The study concludes with some observations about the generalizability of the observations in the property and casualty industry.

MPACT Scores for Vivek Choudhury

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