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Dissertation Information for Peter Robert Clayton

- Peter Robert Clayton

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- University of New South Wales (Australia) (1993)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: The implementation of innovation: A study of academic and research libraries

Abstract: This study investigated the implementation of innovation in academic and research libraries. Based upon the published literature on organisational innovation a theoretical framework was advanced, identifying 24 factors which appeared to facilitate implementation and presenting these factors in four groups: the attributes of the innovation, the adequacy of the resources available, the nature of the organisation, and the qualities of the organisation's leadership. Adopting a contingency approach, ten intervening circumstances were then suggested which might mediate between these factors and the likelihood of successful implementation.

This framework was tested in four in-depth, longitudinal case studies, carried out in two Australian research libraries and two university libraries. Innovations examined were a computer-based communication system, the organisational and physical restructure of a library's public services, the implementation of a consultant's report into a system of branch libraries, and the introduction of performance appraisal.

Results of the case studies led to the development of a new model for the successful implementation of organisational innovation, showing the interactions between the enabling conditions for implementation, and between these and the strategies adopted in the implementation process. An important additional attribute of organisational innovations was identified: ownership. Previously unreported implementation strategies were also found, including the use of publicity and the importation of equipment.

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