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Dissertation Information for Varun Grover

- Varun Grover

- Ph.D.

- Management

- University of Pittsburgh (USA) (1990)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Factors influencing adoption and implementation of customer-based interorganizational systems

Abstract: IS researchers are now calling for the need to draw from the empirically rich field of organizational innovation. As the impact of "strategic systems" is increasingly being felt by organizations, the view that these systems are innovations or innovative uses of technology is becoming prevalent. Customer based Interorganizational Systems (CIOS) represent one of the most prominent types of such systems. This research investigates CIOS, specifically defined as links to customers, as an innovation. A model is constructed based on significant studies in innovation and implementation to identify the factors that facilitate the adoption and successful implementation of CIOS. Five sets of factors are included in the mode, namely, organizational, environmental, policy-related, Interorganizational System (IOS) and support factors.

Hypotheses are set up in an attempt to identify factors that distinguish between adopters and non-adopters of these systems, and predict their successful implementation.

Questionnaire data from 220 senior executives was used for the analysis. Some of the major findings of the study are: (1) CIOSs, while prevalent in industry, are being phased-in through limited initial services and lateral expansion of services in the future. (2) Environmental factors are the weakest facilitators of adoption and support factors are the strongest. (3) A composite predictive function with significant findings could accurately predict over 96% of the adopters. (4) The training provided to customers is important for increasing the extent of implementation of the CIOS and the extent to which it is used by customers. (5) Top management support and customer involvement are other important factors influencing successful implementation.

Factor analysis of significant variables yielded a simplified model consisting of five factors that would facilitate CIOS adoption--Proactive technological orientation, internal push for the system, market assessment, competitive need, impediments and industry adoptions.

Overall, the research enhances our understanding of a current and important phenomenon, and demonstrates the applicability for IS researchers to draw from the empirically rich innovation discipline.

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