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Dissertation Information for Sung S. Kim

- Sung S. Kim

- Ph.D.

- Management

- Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) (2001)

- None

- None

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: Toward a theory of user value of information systems: Incorporating motivation and habit into a conceptual framework

Abstract: This dissertation provides a comprehensive model of Web evaluation in a non-work related setting. In particular, this model, called UVIS (User Value of Information Systems), describes (1) user evaluation processes, (2) a hierarchical structure of user behavior, and (3) dynamic relationships between user evaluation and behavior. A survey instrument was developed through a number of pre- and pilot-tests. In order to test the proposed model, a Web-based survey was administered to users of an online news site. 886 usable questionnaires were collected from an actual online news site, and a total of 398 users also participated in a follow-up survey one month later regarding the usage of the Web site. The results of data analysis yielded support for the UVIS model in general. As hypothesized, overall value depended on user motives as well as a user's judgment on the Web-based information system. Overall value explained more intentional variance than did usefulness. The impacts that past use had on user evaluation and behavior were phenomenal. Past use was the most significant predictor of intention and future use, and its influences became stronger as past use increased. Interestingly, the research findings suggest that people tend to develop a habit of visiting Web-based news sites. The results contrast strikingly with conventional IS studies in which behaviors in question (e.g., IT application adoption) are consciously planned beforehand. Implications of research results as well as directions of future research are discussed.

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