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Dissertation Information for Elisabeth A. Logan

- Elisabeth A. Logan
- (Alias) Elisabeth L. Logan
- (Alias) Elisabeth Logan
- (Alias) Elisabeteh Lohr Logan

- Ph.D.

- Library and Information Science

- Case Western Reserve University (USA) (1984)

- William Goffman

- Thomas Gleason Morris
- William M. Shaw Jr.
- James W. Kazura

MPACT Status: Fully Complete

Title: An investigation of the statistical significance of co-author clustering (Thresholds; Random Graph Hypothesis)

Abstract: Hypothesis testing is used to assess the statistical significance of bibliometric structures produced by the co-author relationship at different thresholds of productivity and collaboration. Journal articles from three tropical diseases for a five-year period are analyzed for cluster formation based on the co-author relationship. The observed partitions are compared with expected partitions produced by a random process and then evaluated for statistical significance according to the Random Graph Hypothesis. The observed partitions from one data set are also evaluated for their logical relationship to identifiable subdivisions within the subject field.

It was found that, in general, partitions showed high scores of statistical significance at low thresholds and low scores at high thresholds. However, the partitions remained statistically significant even at the highest thresholds. The co-author relationship shows strong resistance to a random interpretation and as such appears to be rich in a clustering structure.

An empirical investigation of one partition produced by the co-author relationship indicated that the observed components seemed logically consistent with recognizable subject and geographic subdivisions within the larger subject field.

MPACT Scores for Elisabeth A. Logan

A = 4
C = 21
A+C = 25
T = 13
G = 2
W = 9
TD = 8.5
TA = 2
calculated 2008-05-19 12:04:17

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