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Dissertation Information for Jialin Yi

- Jialin Yi

- Ph.D.

- Information Systems

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Thomas M. Schwen

- Frank Acito
- Robert Appelman
- George Dreher

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: A measure of knowledge sharing behavior: Scale development and validation

Abstract: The concept of knowledge sharing is getting more and more attention in the research and practice of knowledge management. It is necessary to develop relevant performance assessment and reward systems to encourage people's knowledge sharing behaviors. Till now, little effort has been put into developing a valid and reliable measure of knowledge sharing behavior (KSB). The measurement of KSB is such a new area that no definitive method of measuring of KSB exists. The primary purpose of this study is to develop a new measure of KSB with desirable psychometric properties---a well-developed KSB scale with a sufficient level of reliability and validity.

This main objective was achieved by using the following procedures: (1) Specify domain of construct: defining the KSB construct clearly and precisely based on the literature, proposing a new taxonomy of the construct based on the literature to categorize different behaviors into four KSB dimensions; (2) Generate scale items: using a combination of deductive (literature review) and inductive (focus group interviews) approaches to develop an item pool (multiple-item scales) to measure different dimensions of the construct, then asking experts to evaluate face and content validity of the scale; (3) Purify scale: collecting 212 empirical data to pre-test reliability and factor structure (scale dimensionality) of the scale; (4) Validate scale: providing 196 new empirical data to assess this scale's validity and reliability.

The new KSB scale developed in this study is a four-dimensional, twenty-eight-item, five-response choice frequency scale. The scale includes written contributions, organizational communications, personal interactions, and communities of practices dimensions. The results provided evidence of the dimensionality, reliability, and validity of the KSB scale.

This study has significant contributions. First, this study contributed by creating a valid and reliable measurement instrument of KSB. This new scale can be used as an instrument in relationships research related to KSB in the future field studies conducted by researchers. Second, through developing a valid and reliable assessment tool to identify and measure employees' KSB related performance, this study can help support the design and development of an effective performance evaluation and reward system to successfully facilitate knowledge sharing activities in an organization.

MPACT Scores for Jialin Yi

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-09-22 17:11:37

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