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Dissertation Information for Tobias Schoenherr

- Tobias Schoenherr

- Ph.D.

- Business Administration

- Indiana University (USA) (2005)

- Vincent Mabert

- Carol V. Brown
- James H. Patterson
- M. A. Venkataramanan

MPACT Status: Incomplete - Not_Inspected

Title: An exploratory study of bundling in B2B online procurement auctions

Abstract: Bundling is defined as the aggregation of two or more products (SKUs) and/or services by an industrial buyer into a bundle that is put up for bid to potential suppliers as part of a single request for quotation (RFQ). While bundling is often done in offline negotiations, its criticality is heightened in online bidding events due to their usual short duration and constrained environment. Despite this importance, little systematic discussion or evaluation has taken place concerning this practice, as well as what variables may impact behavior and performance.

This dissertation provides a first exploratory study in bundling for B2B online procurement auctions from the buyer's perspective. Crucial environmental and situational variables playing an important role in bundle building and performance are identified via case study methodology. These variables include bundle performance, item difficulty, bundle complexity, purchase importance, future orientation, information search, extent of analysis, buyer power, market uncertainty, procedural guidance, and supply base availability. Relationships among them are hypothesized, integrating them into a comprehensive Bundle Performance Model. Measures for each of these constructs are developed. In order to test and validate the model, data were collected with a large-scale survey; a total of 252 fully completed and usable responses were received. Structural equation modeling is then employed to fit the data to the model, resulting in very favorable model evaluation indices. A comparison to bundling in offline environments, about which data were also collected, is provided.

MPACT Scores for Tobias Schoenherr

A = 0
C = 0
A+C = 0
T = 0
G = 0
W = 0
TD = 0
TA = 0
calculated 2010-09-22 18:55:53

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